Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Tonight's Boston-Montreal hockey game is the most exciting sporting event of the year thus far. Green Bay can enjoy their forgettable Super Bowl win, Anderson Silva did a brutal head-kick KO for the title, but this...this is what Bostonians live for. Brutal old school hockey. Boston- 8 (should have been 9.) Montreal- 6. Two huge brawls (including a square off between the two goalies), two smaller skirmishes, and lots of ill will exchanged. The only thing that would have topped everything is if Lucic or Ryder got a hat trick.

We like our sports to go into the wee hours. Who the hell needs sleep when you have hot testosterone and cold beer? The Canadians need to find a new hotel tonight, far outside the city limits, or else their safety could be in jeopardy. If I wasn't in my Pac-Man pajamas, I'd be darting between the high rises, hunting down a celebration. Who the hell cares about Spring Training? All I care about is Friday night when we play Detroit. If you're not watching the NHL, you are missing out.

Certainly canceled out all the shit I had to watch in Screening today. God forbid I ever run into Stan Brakhage's wife or daughter after seeing her give birth five inches away from her vagina on a full color 16mm print. Jesus H. Christ on a crutch.

Excited for tomorrow's writing and Hi8 transferring sessions. I predict screwdrivers in the AM and dark and stormy-s well into the evening. Gotta keep the fingers nimble, the mind clear, and the liver on guard.

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