Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Dear Reader

Since mid-November, I have been rereading the entire Harry Potter series- prompted mainly by the latest movie. I saw it without having read the final book much to the shock of my Potter-fanatic friends. Due to the embarrassment, I decided to pull out all my old books from storage...and pirate the books-on-tape due to my constant traveling at the time.

It's really excited to read now as a full collection and not like when I was younger waiting seemingly for ages for the next book. I used to only like the first three books because I saw the more as detective novels that could do well as stand alone episodes. Now I view them as one epic story, and because I don't remember (or read) anything past the fifth, I am just as ravenous about reading them as I was when I was in middle school. Yesterday I had a snow day and all I did was read. Today is a snow day as well and if I didn't have things to attend to later on, all I would do is read. Like when I finished watching Twin Peaks senior year of high school, I'm going to go through withdrawals once this is over. I doubt the movies would satisfy me since re-watching the third one a month ago was painful on a level I couldn't imagine. RiffTrax pointing out the faults probably didn't help, but they were all valid points.

Maybe I'll just record my own versions of Wizard People, Dear Reader. My roommate already suggested I do one for Twilight. That could be a thing.

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