Wednesday, February 2, 2011


I sit here surrounded by my LPs a man talked to me about faith I asked him about his face a small androgynous person of the Asian persuasion cut my hair it was fair I said it was "all right" I drove a boy down to the beach in the material world we are so far from that now from smiles from written down messages and "oh things" its over "I'm older than that now" I'm braver than most I've learned that now it doesn't make me hold my head any higher but I feel better in certain situations my cousin my family my my my my I told you to be patient you asked me for patience rather you asked me for little I "dreamed of nothing and got nothing in return" it is surprising how much floods back to me now back to me

I watched a documentary on the BeeGees and felt a certain type of sympathy that is reserved for few I'm not sure why maybe it's my father maybe it's my mother maybe it's my tape player or the people I surround myself with it's a war worth fighting for IT sure is a war worth fighting for.

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