Friday, January 14, 2011

Obligatory First Post Title

It seems appropriate to start this blog around 3 am EST. This is when I supposedly come up with my wackiest ideas. That and I haven't been able to sleep since noon on New Year's Day, and with the NFL play-off games and two Bruins games this weekend, that won't be changing anytime soon.

I turn off all my distractions at 3:30 am EST. I fall asleep at 4. I wake up at noon. There has to be another way.

I have not had this irregular of a sleep pattern since my freshman year of college. I also had nearly crippling depression that year but that's for another time.

Maybe it's best to do a bit of an introduction in this first post. I am an artist, a writer, a music lover, and I sound like Batman when I'm drunk. I create videos that can be found on Vimeo. I'll add a link as soon as I learn how. I draw inspiration from odd pop songs and suburban supermarkets. I often wish I was swimming despite the fact I'm a terrible swimmer and nearly drowned a few years ago. When I get bored, I often play with this little groove in one of my front teeth with my right thumb nail. I'd like to be a father someday. The sandwich is the greatest invention mankind has come up with. I will not sleep with anyone who do not find Carl Reiner and Mel Brooks' "2000 Year Old Man" albums pure genius nor anyone who is not moved deeply by the Beach Boy's "God Only Knows." These are tough stipulations, but everyone needs standards.

I'm rambling and will most likely regret creating this blog in the morning. That's the way it goes.

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