Saturday, January 15, 2011

Playoffs Part One- No Will To Live

The Steelers/Ravens game was THE worst football game I've ever seen. Move over Pats/Giants Superbowl. There was a flag on every other play, Pittsburg challenged everything, and the game lasted well over 8 hours. Currently the Green Bay/Atlanta game is tied at 14 in the 2nd. I can't really tell if it's a better game because I went brain dead after the first half in the first game lasted an hour.

Alright Green Bay just got an amazing touchdown with 42 seconds left in the half. This is clearly a better game because I just felt joy. Last time I checked those who wish to commit suicide don't feel joy.

But honestly, is it 4 pm EST tomorrow? This Patriot game needs to happen now.

Ears still ringing like a mother.

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