Tuesday, January 25, 2011

You, The Artist

I had to fill this out for one of my major classes. I think it's really good for all artists to take some time mulling over. Here it is with my answers:

1. What satisfies you in life?
Exposing myself to new things, writing, listening to damn good records

2. What are your affinities?
I have an affinity for outdated things. Rediscovering the old.

3. What other arists/musicians/etc. are important to you?
Frank Zappa, J.D. Salinger, The Firesign Theatre, George Carlin, Hunter S. Thompson, Wes Anderson, Jeff Mangum, Brian Wilson, Joel Hodgson, Woody Allen, William Shaff

4. Who are your heroes?
Jefferson Thomas, Matthew R. Sullivan, Pete Seeger, Barack Obama

5. Do you think art has a social mission?
Art’s social mission is to unite everyone. Not to bring peace. Peace is hard to come by, it’s like enlightenment. However, art needs to make us all realize that we are all in life together and need to band together.

6. What do you think IS important in a work of art?
Something refreshing. Not like a cold beverage. More like a smile that starts at your toes and works its way up.

7. Where do you look or go for inspiration?
Supermarkets, Cape Cod, bad movies from the 1950s

8. What are your best traits/skills?
Knack for dialogue, writing, technical audio junk, eye for editing even though I’m not that good at doing it

9. What do you abhor in art?
Pretentiousness and bullshit

10. Who do you want to see in your work?
The people I love.

11. Where do you want your work to be place or seen?
In the ideal world, my own cable network.

12. What styles/genres do you find the most interesting?
Lately I’ve been finding the film Slacker more and more interesting. Any of those early 90s independent films. They are so gritty, have loose narratives, and yet say so much. It kills me.

13. What is at the heart of your work?
I just make things I feel should exist.

14. How do you research your ideas?
On Google, late at night, with music blaring.

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