Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Zdeno Chara's hat trick and Boston's 7-0 win over Carolina restored my faith in sports. Chara SMILED today. That man shows only two emotions- anger and brutal defense. As Paul pointed out, "brutal defense" is an emotion and Chara's the 4th Bruins defenseman to get a hat trick...and the other three were Ray Borque. At least I know it's safe to listen to sports radio again because 98.5 will be gabbing about this win all freaking week...until some 50-something bonehead calls up bitching about the Pats game, which will undoubtedly happen. Maybe it's still best to avoid my radio...

I'd really love to be a pro-wrestling TV commentator. Actually ideally I'd wanna be a character developer and commentator. WWE Superstars are way too similar and generic now-a-days. They are all the "sorta in shape white kid doing well for himself." The nuanced personalities occur when they act like either a dick (any member of the Nexus), a douche bag (The fucking Miz) or lone wolf (Newbury's own John Cena). No one is really unique anymore and those who are unique are the comic relief or pathetic jobbers. The only cat that really impresses me on the WWE's roster right now is this kid from South Africa. He's brutal in the ring with lots of old school moves. Can't for the life of me remember his name...

Also way too many are trying to bank in on their famous dads- like Dusty Rhodes's kid and Ted DiBiase's kid. They are both very talented but serve no other purpose other than being third generation.

There's a lot wrong with the WWE right now. I'd love to work with them though, mostly because I don't want to move to Florida seeking employment from TNA. I'll just start looking for jobs in local promotions. Too bad my dear friends at NECW went under. Their shows were fantastic and the personalities were great. I will dearly miss stumbling around Quincy and sweating my ass off in the Armory.

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