Saturday, January 22, 2011

Fresh Fish

How many people can write blogs about quilts? Honestly? I just stumbled on six quilt related blogs in a row. For a while I thought a lot of people didn't know how to spell "dying" properly.

Then again how many people have rambling blogs that are centered around pop culture in some manner?

Speaking of, I'm watching Shutter Island (2010) for the first time. I really need the tie Leo DiCaprio has in this film. In fact, I need to dress like a broke Los Angeles private eye from the 1940s more often. I need to stop smoking like one, that's for sure. This film is already reminding me of a B mystery movie from that era. Lots of fast talking exposition. I should devote all my attention to this but my mind won't shut up. I need to purge thoughts somehow. Really deep stuff...Hey look, Ben Kingsly. All right, I'll stop commentating the movie.

I feel really anxious being outside of Boston. I had a grueling dream that involved being in my theatre back on the Cape where I heard dozens of children voices but saw no one, and another one where a loved one berated me on an old color TV set. Obviously I'm nervous. I mean hell, the crude language in this film is offending me slightly. Maybe that's because I just watched about two hours of Laurel and Hardy shorts. As mean as they could be towards each other, they were very childlike and innocent. In a way, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia is the new Laurel and Hardy. Both gangs get into wild situations to better themselves in society...and fail miserably. Hell, they both bought boats that were completely destroyed by their own hands. The Sunny gang get into these bizarre situations that are only held for burlesque skits. I can already see the opening title for the season opener next fall- "The Gang Become Piano Movers." 

Edify is a great word. I should use it more often. I should also stop writing until the film is over.

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