Monday, March 21, 2011

You Can't Do That In Hyannis Anymore! Vol. 3

There was a Newbury Comics in Hyannis in this crummy strip mall. It was right next to the Toys 'R Us so it was only logical for my giddiness over toys to be transferred to albums just next door. The first time I ever cut class was Junior Year in order to get my hands on Bright Eyes's Cassedega (2007). A lot of my first memories of Zappa albums started in that parking lot at night when I'd drive away hearing "Gregory Peccary" or "Uncle Meat" for the first (and certainly not the last) time. I dragged girlfriends there after having to endure clothes shopping. My friends would go and loudly and bluntly express our opinions. One time the whole store SANG when "Bohemian Rhapsody" came on the stereo.

The floor went through many changes but in my heart, the record albums were always in the way back. I was maybe 12 when I first shuffled through the then slim record selection. Most of it was hip-hop. Rock albums were RARITIES hence my first new LP I ever bought was Weezer's Maladroit. No I was never a huge Weezer fan but asking for a Barenaked Ladies LP was (and still is) a futile request. Also Daft Punk's Discovery was wicked out of print on vinyl.

There's still a Newbury Comics in Hyannis. They moved to the mall in the slot were the old Friendly's used to be. It's not that I'm bitter that it's changed. It has but that's not my point. I guess I'm learning that that certain part of my life is over. I have new record joints now. Better even. Digging beyond my wildest dreams. But nothing will come close to the joint I'd frequent after school was over, after the sun went down, and drive home from, listening to something new in the dark.

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