Monday, March 14, 2011

about last post

I deleted the last entry because I realized it was a horrible poem. Two drink Kane thought that scrap from freshman year was a revelation in modern poetry last night. Tonight, two cookies Kane thinks it's crap. There are some good elements. The Bo Diddley thing can work well, but overall, it's just awful.

To say I am relieved to be back in Boston would be a gross understatement. By the time I arrived, the clouds started to part and the sun was shining like crazy. My gang got together tonight, ate Costa Rican cookies, and listened to the new Strokes album that was leaked yesterday.

Creatively, I'm back on board too. Aside from the plans for the KFFS re-write (first meeting Tuesday, this is HAPPENING), I have some solid plans for my tape project. One plan is very clear and will most likely be an instillation piece. The other one is a little more "magical mystery tour" and will just be a sound piece. I'll probably start doing some transfers tomorrow and start editing/mixing on Thursday...if I don't attend this roast. That's right. A fucking roast. It started as a surprise birthday party but I'm lobbying like a Televangelist with a hard-on to turn it into a full-out roast. Roast or no roast, I'm still gonna write jokes about the guest of honor and rag on (name removed) for being a drunkard. Obviously things are hush-hush but I think I covered my ass well and besides, no one reads this.

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