Thursday, March 24, 2011

You Can't Make This Same Lame Zappa Reference Anymore! Vols. 5-6

Last night I had that dream again. This time it came with a bit of a twist.

My mother's boyfriend drove me home one night. The area looked vaguely like Freeman Street but I was sure I had never been there before. He first stopped at a liquor store and I waited in the car. After waiting a bit, I went inside looking for him.

Inside the store were a handful of kids. Very creepy looking, like Village of the Damned meets The Wicker Man creepy. They were very snide and made these condescending comments to me.

I decided to split and walk home at this rate. A young boy ran in front of me. I followed him but pretended like I wasn't doing so. The further we went, the brighter it got until I was in a field with a bunch of kids, playing some kind of bizarre and unorganized game of Capture The Flag. I still ignored the kids even though I saw other kids my age being the counselors and coaching them along. Nearly everyone my age was guiding some younger kid.

I made my way up the hill to this gypsy caravan. Inside each wagon was basically a summer camp cabin and one of my friends was there. I snuck into one of the wagons and all the kids were watching old variety shows from the 1950s and Frank Sinatra movies, transfixed to the sets. I made my way to the back room where the bunks were.

It was a girl's cabin and Bailey was on a top bunk, wearing typical camp counselor garb. I smiled at her but she looked concerned.

"What's wrong?"
"Nothing, I just wish I could do this again."

With that, I buried my face into the bed and sobbed and sobbed and sobbed.


It may be an understatement to say I have been very emotional lately and these dreams don't help at all. They bring me way down when I'm in the best spirits. These dreams of let-down children. Jesus H Christ on a crutch. That's heavy. In more than one way...

I have a bunch of music posts to do due to the shit ton of albums I've acquired in the past two days. The Strokes, Frank Zappa...well that it. Two Zappas. Also I just found the picture I took for my "I Melt With You" rant so that will come up at some point. Now that my life is sorta back in a normal position, I'll lay that all out. But I'll lay it out easy.

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