Saturday, March 19, 2011

You Can't Do That In Roxbury Anymore! Vol. 1

There's a lot that can be said for the past 48 hours of my life. I doubt any account at three in the morning can truly do it justice...that or it would do it perfect justice. The roast went off without a hitch. I don't think I've laughed that hard in a very very long time. That shit is gonna resurface somewhere on the internet and oh my will it be entertaining. Bailey and Julia are here...and I'm too excited and happy for words. So yeah.

On a rampant Zappa kick recently, specifically guitar work. It's a genre of his that has taken me a while to get into. It's the perfect fusion of disciplined jazz structure and balls to the wall rock 'n' roll execution. A lot of his solos were extracted from live performance of other songs then released as separate pieces, usually with a wonderfully goofy title. Here's some of my new favs (along with rediscovered gems):

"The Ocean is the Ultimate Solution" from Sleep Dirt
Total jam fest here, a throw back to Hot Rats.

"Heavy Duty Judy" from Shut Up and Play Yer Guitar
The horns SO freaking make it.

"But Who Was Fulcanelli?" from Guitar
This is from the song "Drowning Witch" which is probably Zappa's most unsung later masterpieces. Not only was the original track wonderful but it also spawned this solo and the beautiful "St. Etienne." (Video from 1987's Video from Hell)

"For Duane" from Guitar
Zappa plays Allman. The variation on the timing of the classic blues progression is fucking amazing.

"Ask Dr. Stupid" from Trans-Fusion
I don't even know how he makes his guitar sound like that. I mean I have an idea but it must be twice as hard.

Probably not this weekend, but soon I'm gonna do a bit about YCDTOSA Vol. 1. No one cares but me. La de da.

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