Saturday, October 8, 2011

Why I Love Hockey

But first, a TV mini-rant. I've made it abundantly clear that I'm not the biggest fan of episodic television. I've liked some shows like Six Feet Under and The Sopranos, but after two seasons I usually get bored or annoyed. I'm a movie guy. I like resolution. But I did get sucked into a show called The Playboy Club on NBC. It just got cancelled after three episodes. Sure it wasn't the best show, but the writing was decent. There was a good flow, especially with the club manager's character. Anyway, just surprised, that's all. Especially since Pan Am is a horrible show and just got a huge article on it in the Globe.

Ok I just talked way too much about TV. Fuck TV. Reasons why hockey is the best-

1) It's on ice. Without a doubt the most unforgiving surface in every way.
2) They wear SWEATERS, not jerseys. I've always hated the word "jersey" and have always adored sweaters.
3) It's an international sport, but with interesting countries that you can't pronounce and are cold as fuck. As a New Englander, I appreciate this.
4) Beards
5) Goalies in full pads look like bears or monsters from Where the Wild Things Are
6) Punching.
7) Expansion teams are slowly being moved to places where people actually give a fuck about the sport.
8) Hockey gave us the greatest photograph ever captured-

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