Thursday, October 6, 2011

Evidence I Was Destined For Art School #027

From February 10, 2007-

My first wide-released movie will be called "The Amazing World of Stamp Collecting" regardless of the subject matter.


Today I entered another dimension with Mr. Luther Price. That was pretty neat. Between him, Kuchar films, Oh Dem Watermelon and my first attempts at performance art, it is all too clear my thesis cannot remain a simple narrative. Like at all. I have way more to offer. If I REALLY wanted to make normal movies, I would have stayed on the Emerson wait-list.

In my best high school movie, The Boys of Eden, I had the narrator actually interact with the characters. I'm gonna bring that back. Also my last film before going to college, Break Out, was COMPLETELY improvised. I told my actors the scenes and they just made it up. Shit, Christopher Guest's films are all improv so I'm gonna bring that into it too. Tomorrow is gonna be a big writing day.

Also working on a big project for Zappa's birthday this year. Tentative title 63 Video Tapes for Frank.

This studio space is already paying off big time. I've already taped two performance pieces. So many to go.

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