Thursday, October 6, 2011


When I got home there was shepherd's pie on the counter.

What you eating?
Shepherd's pie.
What's that?
Oh, mashed potatoes, meat, corn...
Is it lamb meat?
No. I suppose it could be, though.
Are you a shepherd?
That's a very strange name then. Why not call it meat and mashed potatoes?
Because it's called shepherd's pie.
That makes no sense. Meat and mashed potatoes makes sense.

Who knew she would soon call me her little shepherd, falling asleep in her arms?

That sounds very condescending to me.
It wasn't though, really.
Little? You're like 6' 2"!
I know but it was fine.

As I ate it, my tongue told me it had gone cold. Then why did I feel so warm?

"Of COURSE you're hungry! I'M hungry! WE'RE ALL HUNGRY! So let's EAT!"

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