Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Why did I bury my head in the sand when Vampire Weekend first came out?

First of all, they're from New York and the last thing I needed in high school was 20something washashores feeling ways about stuff on Cape Cod. Second, they attracted a crowd I wasn't into back then. Polo shirts looked like straight-jackets. I'll leave it at that.

But now I'm 20something and I don't live on the Cape anymore. This has been the first summer away from there. Hence: now feeling ways about stuff. That and after a long lost weekend on Nantucket, I wish I was a mix of a Ralph Lauren model and a F. Scott Fitzgerald character.

Trust me, the music isn't life changing all of a sudden. It's just good summer music. It's what I need when I'm staring at Parker Street and wishing it was bay-side in Welfleet. I love when music is appropriate for times like that. I hate when it's too appropriate. Hence me apparently going on another long span of time before listening to Picaresque again. It's a dragnet for...well, a lot of things. Concerns that never go away.


At the Box Car (a play in one act and three old fashions)

ME: Sir, I just wanna shake your hand.
MAN: Oh? What for?
ME: You're suave. You're one suave guy. I saw you down on Federal and I dig your style.
MAN: Why thank you! What do you do, young man?
ME: I'm an artist. I make tapes.
MAN: My brother is a performance artist. He's really into it down in, uh, New York.
ME: Far out! How about you, sir? How do you make a living?
MAN: (sheepishly) Well I'm sorry, but I'm a lawyer.


A little girl
A kid
Dropped a piece of paper
Into my lap
and said
"Draw me your best drawing."
So I did.
"When I was
Your Age
There were only
Star Wars movies."

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