Tuesday, June 28, 2011

A History/Mercy

It was very long ago, when the winters were crisper, the trees were taller, and the night sky was always clear. We cut across backyards, searching for the moonlight that guided us towards the water.

"Don't worry. No one's home."

Eager to follow. Eager to do right.

"Which one is stuck in your head now?"
"Me too."

Lips tasted so new. Music sounded so new.

* * *

"What you mean you don't like it?"
"It's too poppy."
"Of course it's poppy, it's POP music."
"Yeah but it's too old. It doesn't sound right."
"Don't you realize this is one of the most important albums of the 1980s?"
"Do you hear yourself? 80s music sucks!"
"But this is important!"
"It's not a hit against you. We just don't like it."
"But it's important..."

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