Sunday, July 24, 2011

An Actual Homework Assignment For Art School

10) DISCUSSION QUESTION (follow instructions carefully):
Describe five specific incidents in which you have used your body to make sound in the past day. These do not need to all be sounds emanating directly from your body, it can also involve using your body (such as your hands or mouth) to trigger a sound. At least one of the examples should involve triggering or using some type of technology (such as ringing a doorbell or turning on your MP3 player). Include the exact location, a description of the sound, whether other people also heard the sound, how (and if) you heard the sound yourself and any other interesting information.

1- Right when I woke up, I cracked my knuckles. I was sitting up in bed. The noise was a very distinct and very loud crack. I don’t crack my knuckles often so the noise startled me a bit.
2- Early this morning, one of my roommates’ cats ran into my room and scared the shit out of me. I was half awake and I let out this horrible moan of fright. It came from the back of my throat and was very low. I hope someone else heard it because it was so weird.
3- I hit record on my tape deck. I was sitting on the edge of my bed. The deck made a nice CA-CHUNK followed by the hum of the spindles moving.
4- My esophagus made a strange gurgling sound after I ate when I was sitting on my couch. It was particularly loud. As always, no one heard it but me.
5- Since nothing loud or even interesting happened to me today, I started humming just now, seeing how low I can get. I can feel it in my chest but now it’s starting to hurt a little.

1 comment:

  1. Do you even remember telling me about this place in the big ole interwebs? We were all pretty drunk.

    Anyhoo, I was laughing 'cause I can imagine the low moan of fright.
